7 Clans Paradise Casino Red Rock Ok
services available while THE TRIBAL COMPLEX is closed TO THE PUBLIC
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NEED TO APPLY & HAVE A PRINTER? If you have not already applied for assistance, you may find a printable application on our website at https://www.omtribe.org/what-we-do-financial-assistance-applications-and-forms
NEED TO APPLY & DO NOT HAVE A PRINTER? If you cannot print a form, you may request an application be mailed to you by leaving a message at 580-723-4466 ext 266 or by emailing tap@omtribe.org.
WHAT TO DO WITH COMPLETED APPLICATIONS? Drop off your applications or mail. A dropbox has been set up at Otoe-Missouria Police Department to accept Tribal Assistance Program forms or you may drop them off at the screening checkpoint when the Tribal Complex is open. Forms may also be mailed to the tribal complex at Otoe-Missouria Tribe, Attn: TAP, 8151 HWY 177, Red Rock, OK 74651.
GENERAL INFORMATION--For more information about the financial assistance available to tribal members visit https://www.omtribe.org/what-we-do-financial-assistance-categories-of-tap-assistance or email tap@omtribe.org.
The Otoe-Missouria Tribe Declared an Emergency Proclamation on March 16, 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in response to the United States Presidential Declaration of National Emergency on March 13, 2020. The COVID-19 relief assistance to all tribal members who are experiencing a financial setback that have been impacted by the CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC. This assistance will help with rent, mortgage, auto loan/lease, utilities (rent, water, heat), food, hygiene products, diapers, gas, daycare service and any other emergency purchases. Requests must be submitted on the appropriate form with all information filled out by the applicant or his/her legal guardian. Legal guardian must be listed on the custodial affidavit form with the Otoe-Missouria Tribe Enrollment Department. You may email your application to tap@omtribe.org or fax 580-723-4440
» COVID-19 Relief Assistance Application Part 1 $100
» COVID-19 Relief Assistance Application Part 2 $1,000
TO GET AN ESTIMATE OF YOUR TAG COST The tribal member on the registration must contact Carol Bible at cbible@omtribe.org or by phone at 580-723-4466 ext 248 to inquire. Once the proper documentation and payment has been processed, the tag will be mailed to the registrant.
Health Services will only provide transportation for essential medical appointments and medication. To book transport, email Donnie Childs at dchilds@omtribe.org or call 405-258-8342. AA and Al-Anon meetings are cancelled until further notice.
Requests for delivery of diabetes supplies or general questions about your diabetes can be made by leaving a message with our diabetes nurse at 580-723-4466 ext 251. The diabetes nurse will return your call.
Domestic violence is still open to the community 24 hrs a day. Samantha Moran, Otoe-Missouria Domestic Violence Program CTAS Program Director can be reached at 580-485-7424.
Temporarily suspended until further notice for our program services.
7 Clans Paradise Casino
TITLE VI DIRECTOR SIDRA THIBODEAUX 580-304-2798 (Cell) or email sthibodeaux@omtribe.org
Grass cutting for elder tribal members is available by emailing pmoore@omtribe.org.
WIC has received approval from the USDA, to waive physical presence and remote operations UNTIL JUNE 30,2020. What this means for you is we are still taking and keeping appointments over the phone. You are not required to come to the clinics for your appointments. Any documents required to determine eligibility are being accepted by text or email. Benefits are being issued to eligible participants. Height, weight and iron checks will be obtained at a later date. If you need an EBT card arrangements will be made with you to pick that up. Our Nutrition Coordinator is available to answer any questions or concerns that you might have concerning your nutrition needs or in need of special infant formula or infant formula changes. And our Breastfeeding Coordinator is available to visit with you about any concerns regarding pregnancy or breastfeeding. You can email WIC@omtribe.org or call/text 580-751-0147 with any questions or comments.

1. Emergency Maintenance (issues on plumbing, electrical, roof leaks, central hear & air) on program rental units and BRM housing units.
2. Rent Collection: Tenants may pay their rent by mailing a check or money order to the tribe’s finance department. Tenants will need to include a note of the address the payment is for. Mailing address for payments: Otoe-Missouria Tribe, Attn: Finance Office, 8151 HWY 177, Red Rock, OK 74651. Rental payments are due before the 1st of the month and any payments made after the 7th of each month will be charged a $10 late fee. Tenants whom are employed at the Otoe-Missouria Tribe or Tribal Enterprises can also enroll in payroll deduct through their payroll departments.
3. Maintenance staff will also continue mowing. Tenants are requested to keep their lawns picked up when staff is out mowing.
4. Completed applications for housing can still be received by scanning the application and emailing it to Analecia Roubedeaux (aroubedeux@omtribe.org) or Laura (l.hall@omtribe.org). Or completed applications can be mailed to the housing office at OMT Housing Dept, 405 Wendell Ave., Red Rock, OK 74651.
5. Housing Applications can be printed off the tribe’s website at www.omtribe.org under the Housing Department page. Also hard copies of the application are available for pick up at the housing office outside display board by the office entry doors.
6. Any current tenant updates for income reporting or reporting of household changes can email documentation to Analecia Roubedeaux at aroubedeux@omtribe.org. Please include a contact phone number in your email for her to call you for any questions she may have.
7. For general questions and inquired please contact staff by email or phone
Ada Mehojah cell-580-307-7303 amehojah@omtribe.org
Laura Hall cell- 580-307-4342 l.hall@omtrine.org
Theodore Hall cell 580-307-4002
CHILDCARE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCEChildcare financial assistance is still available for clients. Applications are available online at https://www.omtribe.org/useruploads/files/application_childcare.pdf and my be emailed or mailed to the CCDF Office. Applications and timesheets will also be available at the Wellness Screening Check Point. If necessary, staff will be available to meet participants at their vehicle if they need to have copies of documents made, etc. If you need this service, please contact the office in advance at jhorinek@omtribe.org. The office will continue to do as much as possible via email and mail, and will be making appointments for in-office needs.

A limited number of supplies are available for tribal members such as toilet paper, disinfectant spray (Lysol), gloves, cleansing supplies, bleach, soap and bottled water. You may call the the Emergency Manager 580-307-4242 to make your request. Elders are prioritized for assistance.
7 Clan Paradise Casino Red Rock Oklahoma
»COVID-19 Tribal Newsletter April 2020
Oklahoma Health Department COVID-19 Information