Man Craps Himself

Farting is a really common occurrence that everyone will have experienced before but sometimes, you can’t trust a fart, especially if you are having tummy troubles. Recently, a video went viral on Facebook, showing a man who looks like he had accidentally sharted himself but still calmly continuing his transaction at a mobile phone shop. MMA cage fighter 'The Brown Bomber' Travis Wolford exploded poop all over the cage! It even runs down his leg! He went to the chili festival in town before.

Years after Swedish distance runner Mikael Ekvall crapped his shorts in the midst of a half-marathon, his photo still shows up on Facebook. You might've seen it with a 'fail' caption or a.

PALM BEACH, Florida –

President Trump has spent most of his winter vacation golfing with friends and family at Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, but on his latest outing, the President was caught with his pants up…when perhaps they should have been down.

According to photographers at the golf game, President Trump was on the 13th hole and right after teeing off, he let out “a massive, wet, drippy fart sound.”


“It was simultaneously hilarious and disgusting,” said Chris Robbins, the photographer who captured the immediate aftermath. “I wasn’t getting any really good shots throughout the day, but then I heard Trump rip one, really hard and really wet. I look over, and he has literally shit himself. It was made even more hilarious because, like most dipshit golfers, he was wearing stupid clothes – white pants!”

Man Craps Himself

Marathon Man Craps Himself

Robbins was able to get a great shot of the President being scurried away by a member of his staff and his caddy, with brown streaks running down the back of his pants.

“I honestly think this picture might win me a Pulitzer,” said Robbins. “It’s far and away the best thing I’ve ever taken. So many of the other guys bought me beers in the Mar-A-Lago club lounge after this photo was published, I could barely stand up. Hell, I almost shit myself.”

The President had no comment on the incident, and maintained that “it never happened.”




Years after Swedish distance runner Mikael Ekvall crapped his shorts in the midst of a half-marathon, his photo still shows up on Facebook. You might've seen it with a 'fail' caption or a demotivational poster—played-out viral image formats that were de rigueur at the time—or in any number of 'world's most embarrassing photos' compilations. Clearly, people still haven't gotten over Ekvall's uncomfortable grimace and the liquified shit trickling down his legs.

Micke Ekvall seems to have gotten over it, though. The runner who was once saddled with the nickname 'bajsmannen' ('poop man') finished that 2008 race, the Göteborg half-marathon, in 21st place. In a post-race interview, a reporter asked him, 'Did you ever consider stopping to clean off?'

'No, I'd lose time,' he explained, 'If you quit once, it's easy to do it again and again and again. It becomes a habit.'

Man Craps Himself Running

'Despite the enormous problems with stomach cramps that lasted between two and 12 kilometers, Micke completed his goal,' Swedish site reported, 'He did fine with [a time of] 1:09:43 and came in a creditable 21st. This is despite the misery! Imagine what he could accomplish without a bad stomach.'

The poop man, now 25 years old, has accomplished quite a bit since then. He ran the same race the following year, placing 9th. He went on to set a Swedish national record at the Copenhagen half-marathon in 2014, and represented Sweden at the European Athletic Championships.

Ekvall's story is truly an inspirational one: Never quit. If you can live down running around in public with your own feces streaming off your bare legs, you can live down practically anything. Either that or never, ever, leave the house, because anything you do could go horribly wrong and everyone is looking at you.

Man Craps Himself

Whatever. It's up to each of us to receive the poop man's wisdom in our own way.

Marathon Man Craps Himself

[Photo: Getty Images]