O-ring Slot Design Calculator

The winding calculator allows you to find the optimum winding layout for your electric motor in a fast and convenient way. You can investigate three-phase integer-slot, fractional-slot and concentrated windings, both with single and double winding layers where appropriate. You can compare the maximum fundamental winding factor for different combinations of number of poles and number of slots, display the winding layout for different coil spans, or evaluate the harmonic spectrum of the winding factor.
Rod Seal Example. Given: Rod Diameter C =.500 O-ring Cross Section W = 3/32 nominal Dynamic application No back-ups required. Determine: O-ring size = AS-568-112 (1/2 ID x 3/32 W nominal dimensions). Overview: This is a calculator for designing a L-Slot Vent Bass Reflex Enclosure. The formulas used in the calculator create a design that suggests the most maximally flat response in an anechoic environment based on the number of drivers, the thiele small parameters and the allotted dimensions specified in the user’s input fields. The calculatorContinue reading →. Review the general o-ring groove design considerations before moving onto the specific o-ring gland design type. Engineering support services are available for a fee for expert help optimizing critical applications. Once your design is complete, easily order o-rings online from the world’s largest o-ring inventory network. Parabola Calculator 2.0 is a freeware program that was written to help you design solar collector or wifi projects using parabolic reflectors. This program calculates the focal length and (x, y) coordinates for a parabola of any diameter and depth.
Emetor specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, accuracy, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall Emetor be liable to any party for any damages arising out of the use of information from this winding calculator.

Determine number of slots and number of poles
O-ring Slot Design Calculator Formula
To get started, choose the approximate range of number of poles and number of slots that you are interested in. After updating the table, the drop-down list below lets you select whether to display the number of slots per pole per phase, the maximum possible fundamental winding factor, the number of winding symmetries, or the least common multiple between the number of poles and the number of slots in the table.
O-ring Slot Design Calculator Square
Investigate and edit specific winding layouts

Click on a cell in the above table in order to investigate which winding layouts are possible for that specific number of poles and number of slots.